The COVID-19 pandemic according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is still is no longer an emergency. Still, over 2.3 billion people have not received a single vaccine as of April 9, 2024. In order to eradicate Covid transmission must be stopped.

Long Covid is a major problem and various interest groups and companies are joining a virtual meeting from Feb, 29, 2024 to March 1, 2024. If you have an interest in information about Long Covid and potential answers see the first 2 links below.

According to the WHO in the last 28 days over 4,878 have died and over 224,222 have been sickened globally from COVID -19 and millions are still suffering with Long Term COVID. Don't let the numbers fool you. In the early part of the initial pandemic when rest homes had <20 people being infected or dying, how did you react? We were wondering, what's next? Or I will never get it. That's too bad!

WHO estimates close to 13-16 Million have died from COVID-19 back in May 2022. Omicron variants are on the rise again with over 1,000 subclades. Bivalent vaccines that contain the original major variants since the beginning of the pandemic until now, are included in the current 2023/2024 Bivalent Omicron vaccine according to Pfizer and Moderna.

Click here Long Covid Information

Click here In Depth Research and General Information on Long Covid

Click here 14.9 Million Death Associated with COVID-19

Click here September 2023 Bivalent Vaccines

This acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic had threatened the lives of approximately 144 million people during the pandemic with Post COVID-19,  Long Covid, Long Haul Covid or even Long Term Covid. Symptoms has injured as many as 22 million who have 12 months of persistent health problems due to COVID-19's attacks on multiple body organs such as the heart, lungs, and the central nervous system.

By March 1, 2024 a WHO sponsored webinar will have more information and updates regarding the identification, diagnose, and treatments of Long Covid.

Click here March 2024 Meeting for some results on Long Covid treatments.

Click here for Webinar information.
Yes. Numerous steps have already begun with WHO and public and private organizations including an international surveillance network.

Simple steps include hand washing and other hygienic practices such as mask wearing in large groups depending on where one might live. Specifically the elderly and those with weakened immune systems (for whatever reasons), should take precautions as well.

Of course technology can help, but the pandemic revealed long term obstacles and even pitfalls. While injectable vaccines are part of the solution, so is trust. Nasal and oral vaccines can prevent transmission and transferring the disease and typically have a safer profile than injectable vaccines. Be sure to check with your health care giver or physician for any treatments before taking any forms of medication or treatments.

However, there are other surmountable pitfalls and obstacles which need to be overcome and are explained in Episode 1 of our YouTube video.

Click here Episode 1

Yes, according to WHO and global scientists. High level meetings of scientists convene to determine its risks. As of April 1, 2024 1 case was reported by the USA's CDC. See link below. H5N1 has been around since 2009. However it is has transferred to most animal species in the wild, and transferred to chicken and dairy farms and people. Most people have survived its infection, but the H5N1 here has been identified here is highly pathogenic or deadly. It could be called an epidemic among animal species.

However the risk remains low for the spread of human to human of the influenza virus strain of H5N1 some reported cases are found globally among humans. As we are well aware what happened with SARS-CoV-2 or Covid transmission can rapidly grow. This is why scientists are almost daily keeping an eye on its movement.

This virus is highly contagious. In the last few years it has spread from most birds including millions of chicken farms globally as well as over 100 wild bird species, and over ten animals species such as sea lions, mink, foxes, and just in 2023 has spread to house cats in Europe. This is under close scrutiny by WHO and member states.

However other threats such as filioviruses like Ebola, Ebola's Marburg Ebola strain, SARS and Niph are potential threats according to the WHO.

Click here Latest case of H5N1 in the US.

Click here for the WHO's list.

Click here for the latest news on H5N1,

The expression: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." is more important than ever.